Portal to Ascension Radio

Magenta Pixie: Return of the Dragons

Episode Summary

Magenta Pixie speaks on the etheric and physical incarnations of the dragons. Why is the dragon energy so important right now and are they coming back. Will there be a future in which we interact with actual dragons? 💐 Subscribe to receive access to 100's of hours of conscious presentations: https://portaltoascension.org ⚡ Join us at our annual in-person Portal to Ascension Conference: https://ascensionconference.com ❤️ Follow PTA on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/portaltoascension 📅 Upcoming PTA Events: https://portaltoascension.org/upcoming-webinars/ 🎙️ Portal to Ascension Podcast: https://apple.co/3obPdUm ✔️ Join Portal To Ascension Telegram Chat Room: https://t.me/portaltoascension